India Shevaroy Coffee: Origin Guide

Kirkland gee

The India Shevaroy coffee, pronounced as "Shev-uh-roy," hails from the Shevaroy Hills located in the Southern part of India. Situated at an altitude of approximately 4,600 feet above sea level, the Shevaroy region is known for its rich biodiversity and fertile soil, making it an ideal spot for coffee cultivation. One interesting fact about the Shevaroy Hills is that it is named after the local deity, "Servarayan," who is believed to reside in a cave temple atop the highest peak.

History Of The Region

Coffee cultivation in the Shevaroy Hills dates back to the early 19th century, with the British introducing the crop to the region. The unique combination of high altitude, fertile soil, and favorable climatic conditions led to the growth of exceptional coffee beans, which eventually gained recognition in the global coffee market. The coffee industry in the Shevaroy region has grown significantly over the years, with several small-scale farmers venturing into coffee production and joining hands with established coffee estates.

Farming & Processing Methods

While specific farming and processing methods in the Shevaroy region are not widely documented, Indian coffee cultivation, in general, follows some distinct practices. Most coffee farms in India practice shade-grown coffee cultivation, which involves growing coffee plants under the canopy of taller trees. This method not only provides a congenial environment for the coffee plants to thrive but also helps in preserving the region's rich biodiversity.

In terms of processing, Indian coffee producers primarily use the wet processing method, also known as the washed method. In this method, the coffee cherries are soaked in water, and the outer pulp is removed using a pulping machine. The beans are then fermented to break down the remaining mucilage and are subsequently washed and dried. This process results in a clean and bright coffee with well-defined flavors. Some coffee producers in India also use the dry or natural processing method, wherein the coffee cherries are dried under the sun, imparting a fruity and winey character to the final cup.

Tasting Notes

Coffees from the Shevaroy region are known for their unique flavor profile and exceptional quality. The high altitude and fertile soil contribute to the development of complex and nuanced flavors in the coffee beans. Typical tasting notes of India Shevaroy coffee include bright acidity, medium body, and a smooth finish. The flavor profile consists of fruity notes such as black currant, plum, and tropical fruit, accompanied by hints of chocolate, caramel, and spices like cardamom and clove. This well-rounded and balanced cup of coffee is a true reflection of the terroir of the Shevaroy Hills.

Overall, the India Shevaroy coffee offers an exquisite and distinct taste, reflecting the rich history and dedication of the coffee growers in the region. The unique combination of altitude, soil, and climate, along with the traditional farming and processing methods, contribute to the extraordinary flavor profile of this exceptional coffee. The India Shevaroy coffee is a hidden gem waiting to be explored by coffee connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike.

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