Colombia Cundinamarca Coffee: Origin Guide

Kirkland gee

Colombia is a country known for producing some of the finest coffees in the world, and one of its most outstanding coffee-growing regions is Cundinamarca. Pronounced as "koon-dee-nah-mahr-kah," this region is located in the Andean mountain range, near the capital city of Bogotá. The altitude of Cundinamarca ranges from 1,300 to 2,700 meters above sea level, providing the perfect environment for coffee cultivation. An interesting fact about this region is that it has a unique microclimate, which contributes to the distinct flavor profiles of its coffee beans.

History Of The Region

Coffee has been cultivated in Cundinamarca for over a century. The introduction of coffee in this region dates back to the 19th century, and since then, it has been a vital part of the local economy. Over the years, coffee production in Cundinamarca has grown significantly, and today, the region is known for its high-quality beans. The long-standing tradition of coffee cultivation has allowed the region's farmers to develop unique methods and techniques that contribute to the exceptional quality of their coffee beans.

Farming & Processing Methods

In Cundinamarca, coffee is mainly grown by small-scale farmers who cultivate their crops on plots of land ranging from 1 to 5 hectares. These farmers prioritize sustainable farming practices, ensuring that their coffee is grown in harmony with the environment. Most of the coffee cultivation in this region is done under shade, which helps preserve the natural habitat of various flora and fauna.

While there might be some variations in the processing methods used by individual farmers, the majority of the coffee in Cundinamarca is processed using the washed method. This method involves removing the coffee cherry's pulp before allowing the beans to ferment in water. After fermentation, the beans are washed and then dried, either in the sun or using mechanical dryers. The washed method is known to produce cleaner and brighter coffees, which are characteristic of Cundinamarca's beans.

Tasting Notes

Coffees from Cundinamarca are known for their balanced and complex flavor profiles. They typically have a medium to high acidity, which is often described as bright and citric. The region's unique microclimate and fertile soil contribute to the development of nuanced flavors in the beans, which can range from fruity to floral notes.

Some common tasting notes found in Cundinamarca coffees include red fruits such as cherry and raspberry, as well as citrus fruits like orange and lemon. Floral notes, such as jasmine and honeysuckle, can also be detected in these coffees. Additionally, you might find hints of chocolate and caramel, giving the coffee a sweet and slightly creamy finish.The diverse flavors found in Cundinamarca's coffees make them highly sought after by specialty coffee enthusiasts looking for a unique and memorable tasting experience.

With its rich history, sustainable farming practices, and exceptional flavor profiles, Cundinamarca is a region that continues to make a significant impact on the global specialty coffee industry. As more coffee lovers discover the unique qualities of this region's beans, the demand for Cundinamarca coffee is expected to grow, further cementing its status as one of Colombia's premier coffee-growing areas.

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